My fears were confirmed this evening as she continually fake burped and laughed hysterically at herself for 15 minutes straight. Then I even saw her making the armpit-farting motion just as she has seen Adam do so many times before. It may just be inevitable though I will attempt to teach her otherwise (as I do with the boys, just not very well)
So, Mimi, don't bother watching these videos:
I didn't get the part where she was laughing so hard at herself.
She has learned to say her name. Almost. She says "Anna".
You have to admit that it is kinda cute though.
I plan on doing an Easter post as soon as Amie loads the pictures online for me to use. I didn't get many with my camera because Annabelle wouldn't let me put her down during our annual family egg hunt. "Why?" you ask. Because she was scared to death of the
Easter Bunny!
MORE ON THIS LATER................................
HI- it is your slack sister- I will hurry w/ the photos- I loved the burping- TOO FUNNY!!! Love you - we had a ball at your house for easter=- thanks!
No wonder Annabelle and Lucie were afraid of Dad. He looks more like the abominable snow man than the easter bunny.
Why fight it Julie? Accept the fact that Annabelle is gonna be crude and perhaps manly for several years to come. By the way, I think she looks a lot like Baby me in those videos.
I must admit.. the burping is really cute!
I am impressed w/ her abilities. I will coach her more on this later. She may just possess my abnormally loud burping gene. And, get on sending some easter pics this way...
Hey Julie, I just read your blog about reading the "Little House' books, i remember my mom reading them to my Brother and I too...and we loved the Farmer Boy, maybe because we grew up on a very small farm. Anyway our favorite part is when he and his sister get into an argument and he throws the Brush at her and it hits the well in the parlor room! I remember my brother screaming out loud as mom read that part! So happy reading, My boys love to read and I can't wait to read chapter books to them Growing up here in the frozen tundra...we used to read books all the time in the winter to pass the time, Another favorite was "The Summer of the Monkeys" your boys will love this one!!!!
have a great Week, Jill
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