Seth and I haven't actually watched Extreme Home Makeover in years, but last night we sacrificed watching the Simpsons to refresh our memories of the show. We were shocked to see how little of the program is dedicated to building the actual structure of the house. I guess they can't go into much detail every week about the sheet rock or trusses going in without boring a typical viewer. They want to see the interior decorating and special touches. We did notice all of the shots or plugs for the companies that donated materials. They were not subtle.
Soooo, I hate to break it to the Seth fans out there, but chances are slim to none that he will get any screen time. Smokin' hot or not, he just doesn't do much decorating. He might as well have gotten voted off the first night. :)
In other news, you may have already noticed in the sidebar that we have begun reading Farmer Boy (2nd book int he Little House series) each night. I have to say this once again.....I just love reading to the boys! I vaguely remember reading that book ( and Moma reading it to us) as a child, and thinking that it was definitely the most boring of the set. Reading it now from the perspective of my boys, I see that it is far from boring! One of my favorite aspects of parenting is seeing the world through the eyes of a little different. (NEVER knew I could be so excited about seeing a dirtbike for sale on the side of the road) Anyhow, the story is great. Botany is going well too. We went to a local greenhouse for a field trip last Friday. I learned a lot myself and I may be able to keep a houseplant alive for longer than a month now. Poor Seth was worried sick about our plants while he was out of town. He was just sure that I would murder them. I have found that it is as simple as remembering to water them!
Speaking of homeschool, have you heard the latest news about California making it illegal to homeschool unless the mother has a teaching degree???? Those left-coasters! just kidding. Nah, I am not too worried because everything I read about it said it will go on to the supreme court and be overturned. Or something like that. I am going to depend on all of the brilliant militant homeschoolers to fight the fight for me. Just show me where to sign the petition. Do you remember my post a long time ago where I gave all of my sarcastic answers for the folks who ask why I would homeschool? (Click here and you can read them) Here is one I thought of the other day:
I homeschool because my children love to watch television. With all of the educational programs on these days, I see no need for formal schooling.
Or how about:
If my kids went to school, they would miss their favorite shows on tv during the day. All of the crap comes on after 3:00.
I'll bet people would think that was hilarious.
And then they would work their hardest to get that law passed in North Carolina so it would be illegal for me to homeschool..................
that is sad that Seth got voted off, maybe they will show bloopers or something and he can be in those:)
I totally agree....Seth is SOOO smokin' hot.
Did I type that out loud???
You are so funny.
You actually make me want to home school, which is saying a lot.
And...With Ty around I think they don't have much more room for smokin' hot.
I just love the phrase "smokin' hot" and try to use it as often as possible.
I'm all for homeschooling! Not that I have kids yet.. but I have totally thought about doing it!
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