Friday, April 4, 2008

Sometimes I check my blog and think to myself, "I have got to write something so that other post is not the first thing someone reads when visiting us." The April Fools quirky mood has left me now and I need to say something else. However, ............don't freak out, I can't think of anything to say. I don't have any new pictures or videos because my camera is out of batteries. The kids haven't done anything atrocious or fabulous in the past few days. We are busy getting the house ready to sell. Cleaning up, cleaning out. Annabelle is 18 months old today. She just walked in the room looking pretty funny. She has ice cream all over her face and shirt, hair covering her eyes, and is carrying a really big Easter basket. Wish I could show you.

So that is the news here at the Harrison House. Same ol' same ol'.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Julie, You are a riot, love the April fools joke! and thanks, by the way, for the parenting advise, I appreciate your 2 cents and don't mind if you keep them coming. I do spank the boys, but my down fall is that I yell a lot, I will implement your philosophy of "Spank don't yell" and I am sure things will improve greatly at our house! Thanks so much for that tidbit...