Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a few more weekend pictures

Annabelle and Lucie came inside that evening for a bit of dress-up and dancing.

Caleb roasted lots of hot dogs....for others to eat.

Looking at the stars with Mimi

Annabelle can be a little contrary at times.

Mimi's got the whole little set-up worked up now for the cookout.

Jonathan and Beth were up for the weekend

One tired little gal


Becky Swann said...

I always love looking at your fun family pictures!

Becky Swann said...

I always love looking at your fun family pictures!

Becky Swann said...

I always love looking at your fun family pictures!

Becky Swann said...

oh my gosh I have no idea why that wrote that 3 times, it makes me look like a stalker!

Julie said...

that is hilarious. I just looked and thought, "what the heck...4 comments?" look, the time is all the same on each comment, blogger can be very weird.